Thursday, June 19, 2008

more on change...

What is socially acceptable behavior? Who defines morals, the right and wrong… Is it created from the thought of change, or is it a manifestation of something that already exists?
Just because if exists, can you justify that it should continue…
Is the familiar argument of who will bell the cat, the only excuse for a lack of change…?
Stepping back for a second, the mere act of not opposing something that is not justifiable should mean you are encouraging it…
Does the argument of relative morality step forward? What is unacceptable to one, maybe ok to the other, and in such a case who decides who is right? Religion is used as an argument, but with so many differences in one religion, and between religions, there has to be some new order…
Or is a lack of order the answer??

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


i am new to the whole blogging thing, but with so much happening, i wanted to pen down things that have struck me in the past few days...

as the blog's title suggests, they are really just random thoughts:

if change is constant, then surely change should be a certainty, and if it was certain, why aren't people prepared for it?
every time i have dealt with change, i have been shattered by it, not by the idea (i am not saying it was entirely a surprise but the impact it has on everything about you) i always try and mentally prepare myself but somehow it manages to break me, and rebuilding is more difficult than i realise...

how would you define the difference between a non-believer or an atheist, more on the lines of the difference between someone who abstains to someone who does not believe...
why is it that people suddenly find it easier to hold the non-believer card first?? and to hold a strong belief, is almost a sin??
i would like to believe that holding an opinion, discussing it, accepting criticism and changing your view where required is a huge part of living life.....

wheres the line between optimism and pure fantasy...u want to believe things will work out, that you get what you deserve, but life seems to indicate otherwise...why movies and books have started moving away from walking towards the sunset to more realistic endings... so should we still hold on to hope, or maybe its too far fetched?
i have started to believe expectations lead to disappointment, and disappointment chips in to your energy and zest for life....but without the expectation---without the hope of getting everything you want, how do you have the zest for life?

p.s. RR out!! i would like to take a moment to say thank you Chris Brown for being so beautiful!!